EYES and EARS ON Critical Industrial Assets


Remote Video-Acoustic Monitoring, Automated Event Detection and Reporting, Security and Safety of Industrial Assets.

Cutting-edge machine vision techniques applied in Real Time to check assets, equipment and processes for faulty operation, safety, efficiency, and environmental impacts.

An arsenal of advanced video acoustic analytic technologies and deep machine learning AI powers our VisionLeak platform. Data rich output from thermal imagers, color cameras, acoustic and other sensors are analyzed in REAL TIME at the edge. Our solutions cost-effectively automate high-priority monitoring and reporting processes in complex and/or remote industrial environments.

Be alerted of new disruptive events and remotely access actual field condition, needed for rapid decision making and action.

THE RESULT: Enhanced asset and worker safety, savings in operational, labour and maintenance costs, prevention or minimization of environmental damage, financial liabilities and reputation damage, and maintenance of regulatory compliance and social license to operate.

Our VisionLeak solution provides
24/7 monitoring in wide range lighting and weather conditions Alerting in seconds with event photo and video
Automated, real-time event detection and qualification Detection sensitivity options at low false positive rates
Event qualification based on user set conditions Comprehensive and customizable alert options

High Voltage Software Systems

4453 Beaubien-East, Suite #5
Montreal, QC, CA H1T 1T3
E-mail : info@
Tel. :  +1 514-637-1395
A  METLAB Research Inc. Company

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